The Dinosaur Research Institute's (DRI) annual fundraising dinner will be held on Saturday, November 1st at 6PM at the Earl Grey Country Club in Calgary. Reservations are required. For more information on the dinner, visit the DRI's website at
For those who haven't heard of the DRI, it's a non-profit organization that was started in 1997 to help fund dinosaur research in Alberta or to help Albertan palaeontologists conduct research elsewhere. In addition, there are several scholarships available for students including the Rene Vandervelde travel grant for those who are presenting at SVP (I know - a little late for this year, but keep it in mind for next year), two or three annual support scholarships for $1000-$3000, as well as the Neoceratopsian research scholarship started by Darren H. Tanke supporting research into... well... neoceratopsians. I'm sure I'll be posting more on this scholarship later since Darren is my significant other. : )
The DRI was very helpful to me a couple of years ago by funding radiocarbon dating for two specimens during my masters research (~$1400). Granted, the dates weren't for dinosaurs per se, but I'll be applying what I learned during that study to my current PhD project, which does include dinosaurs. Considering I eventually had 20 specimens dated (at from $700 to $900 a pop!), the DRI scholarship was much appreciated.
The annual dinner also includes a silent auction and presentation by Dr. Philip J. Currie. This years theme is "Recent dinosaur discoveries in Western Canada" and I've heard that some special guests will be there, but I don't want to give the surprise away. It's always a good time and I encourage anyone who is in the area to contact the DRI to see if there are any tickets left.