Monday, October 19, 2009

Dinosaur Research Institute's annual fundraising dinner

The Dinosaur Research Institute's annual fundraising dinner will be held on November 7, 2009 at 6PM at the Earl Grey Golf Club in Calgary. Tickets are $150 per person with tax receipts available for a large portion of the ticket cost. The funds raised go towards dinosaur research based in Alberta or for researchers from Alberta to conduct research outside of the province (such as visiting distant museums, etc.).

The Dinosaur Research Institute also maintains the Rene Vandervelde grant, which provides funds for Alberta-based dinosaur researchers to present at conferences as well as the Darren Tanke Neoceratopsian Scholarship which provides funds for ceratopsian workers to visit distant museums, present at conferences, etc.

During the dinner, several presentations from past recipients will occur and a paleontology student from Alberta will be present at each table. A silent auction will be held after the dinner with numerous interesting items available.

For more information, visit Hope to see you there!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bristol SVP

So, another SVP conference under my belt. I believe it was my 8th. Having SVP in Bristol, England, was a lot of fun even with the glitches (the venue was way too small - I don't think they ever envisioned that 1100 people would attend!; they 'lost' my registration, but my boyfriend was registered twice - go figure; the walk between venues was about 10 minutes - so you had to plan ahead which can be hard after partying all night). However, it was all worth it. I saw many interesting talks and it was good to see everyone and find out how their research has been going. Plus the sightseeing was awesome. I love that I spent time in buildings that are older than my country! : )

Next year SVP is in Pittsburgh, which I'm sure won't be quite as scenic, but should still be a good time. Lookin' forward to it!